522 Scaling Back (Newsletter June 2023)

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#RealisticRegenAg | There are times when it's best to scale back. The community that I was trying to get going didn’t take off, so we decided to shut it down. I tried one many years ago and the same thing happened. Although there we interest, there seemed to be hesitation in commitment.

Welcome to Plants Dig Soil. My name is Scott Gillespie and I work with farmers and agribusiness on climate smart agriculture. This kind of agriculture has to be scientifically proven to be good for the planet now and in the future. Just as importantly, it also must make economic sense for the farmer, both now and in the future. Go to my website www.plantsdigsoil.com or check the links in the description for to learn about the services I offer.

Transcript is available:

Profitable From the Start: Cover Crops for the Prairies:

Funding service offerings:
SCAP - https://www.alberta.ca/sustainable-cap.aspx
Video explainer of funding - https://youtu.be/0icitHJR2lk

My consulting packages:

Newsletter signup:

Email: scott@plantsdigsoil.com 
Twitter (Scott): https://twitter.com/scottcgillespie
Twitter (Company): https://twitter.com/PlantsDigSoil
LinkedIn (Scott): https://www.linkedin.com/in/scottcgillespie/
LinkedIn (Company): https://www.linkedin.com/company/plants-dig-soil

I’m going to focus on what I do best. Consulting work, helping farmers find funding for regenerative practices, and develop content (free & paid).

The OFCAF program announced that it was cutting off accepting applications as they figure they are nearly full with funding commitments. If you missed that program, I encourage you to check out the S-CAP funding. There are details below along with a video explainer of the program. Reach out to me at any point if you have questions or to help you fill out the paperwork. My fees can be covered by most practices so don’t let that hold you back.

As we get close to cover crop season, I encourage you to check out my course on cover crops for the Prairies. The most recent review covers the intention of the course well. Scroll down to take a look. (“Realistic” and “not selling them” were included)



523 Cow Patty Critters (Book Review June 2023)


521 Building the Soil Comes at a Cost (Regen Ag News May 2023)